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Cemetery Minutes 4-27-10
Holland Cemetery Commission


Harold Hitchcock who died 1-14-2010 and was buried 1-19-2010 in Section V(5), Lot 16, Plot F.


Dorothy Parron who died on February 1st was buried in Section V (5), Lot #4, Plot B.

We received a $50.00 check from Morris and O’Conner Funeral Home for the future burial of John Goodhall’s cremated remains in 89B, grave #1, once the veteran’s marker is delivered and placed.


Pat and Sarto met with Raymond Frenier who purchased Plot #83 in Section VIII (8) for his former wife Dale A. Aranda of 8 Lynne Ave. who died on 4-13-10, and was buried on 4-23-10.


Pat and Sarto met with Carol L. Sweny of 57 Over-The-Top Rd., and family who purchased Plots 161-162 in Section IX (9) for her husband, David McGovern who died on 4-21-10 and was buried on 4-26-10 in Plot 162.


Cemetery Commission Meeting
Present: Pat Caron, Sarto Caron and Brian Johnson. Cemetery landscaper Ken Basdekis was also present.

We discussed fertilizing the cemetery grounds.  The fertilizer is to be picked up by Ken.  Ken brought it to our attention that grubs are prevalent on the Senior Center property adjacent to the cemetery which he will monitor and treat if necessary.

The expenditure of available funds was discussed and the following ideas were put forward:
  • The wrought iron fence is in need of repair or replacement.
  • The repair of headstones in the older part of the cemetery.  Brian is to investigate.
Brian Johnson made a motion that all funeral homes be notified that after the phone notification of a pending burial that the “Acknowledgement, Agreement and Release” form must be completed and sent/delivered to the Cemetery Sexton. All were in favor.

No citizens came.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Patricia J. Caron, Secretary

Copies to:  Select Board, Town Clerk and File.